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Diabetes May Increase Alzheimer

Study Finds Diabetes May Increase Alzheimer’s Risk

A recent medical study examined the direct relation between diabetes and the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. The findings, published by the American Academy of Neurology in the August 2010 issue of Neurology, suggest a clear connection between type 2 diabetes and increased risks for developing brain plaques associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Autopsies Reveal Insulin-Alzheimer’s […]

Krill Oil

Krill Oil: A Wonder Pill? Possibly

Krill Oil. What the heck is a krill, you might ask? It is a tiny shrimp-like animal that lives with billions of friends and relatives in the Antarctic Sea. It contains omega-3 fatty acids like other fish used in fish oils. However, the makers of krill oil pills claim their products are far superior to […]

Taiwanese Health Care

Taiwanese Health Care

In the early to mid 1990s, three rich, democratic nations looked to overhaul their health care systems to provide insurance coverage to all of its citizens. As America’s 1993 health care reform led by the Clinton administration ended in political defeat, Switzerland and Taiwan successfully reformed their health care systems to cover every citizen in […]

Health Care Information

Is The Information Accurate?

Make Sure Your Health Care Information is Current and Relevant This increase is likely in response to the trend in health care to make the patient more responsible for his own health status and outcomes. In order to accomplish this, people need information. Information is readily available on the Internet. Physicians and other health care […]


Reiki in Complimentary Medicine

Reiki is now being practiced in several hospitals in the US Reiki is a simple hands-on healing modality that is becoming very popular in the world. Increasingly, reiki is getting more attention from medical practitioners and several hospitals in the US have now incorporated reiki in their programs. The term reiki is a combination of […]


Meditation for Non-Meditators

Bring Meditation Into Your Daily Life Through Mindfulness Meditation One of the staunchest proponents of meditation is Dr. Dean Ornish who, for the past 25 years, has demonstrated that comprehensive lifestyle changes can reverse severe coronary heart disease without drugs or surgery. He prescribes meditation as a necessary tool for reversing heart disease. Dr. Ornish […]

Pain Control

What is Pain Control?

Addiction is not always the outcome Often physicians are not well educated in pain management and/or struggle with beliefs that using narcotics will cause addiction problems for most patients. The Myth of Addiction In fact, if your body requires the pain medication, there is little evidence that addiction will result from using medications as prescribed. […]

Hospital Quality Study in America

Annual Report Polls 5000 Hospitals based on Medicare Records Whether it’s emergency care or a planned procedure, everyone wants to make sure they are receiving the best possible medical care. Location definitely impacts the quality of your medical care. The annual Hospital Quality in America Study was just released and shows a wide gap in […]

Vitamin C

Latest Vitamin C Research

Findings show Vitaminc C is actually useless against colds Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin. It is essential for tissue growth and healing. For example, wounds, and torn ligaments and tendons, damaged blood vessels, torn cartilage and broken bones require Vitamin C for proper healing. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant and helps to […]


Antibiotics Often Overprescribed

Sinus Infections Caused by Viruses Need Antibiotics? The results of a study of sinus infections (acute and chronic rhinosinusitis) and the use of antibiotics were recently released in the March 2007 issue of Archives of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. The report was written by Hadley Sharp, B.S. and Donald Leopold, MD of the […]

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